                               Apr.2009 - Mar.2010

February 17th 2010
Olympic Spirit   

The Winter Olympics are here. I love it. The summer Olympics are great, but usually not so great for Canada. Canada is a country where winter is long. Canadians love to do a lot of sports in the winter time. When the Winter Olympics come it is a time for the world to see many athletes from my country show their abilities on ice and snow.

This has also been a very exciting time for Japanese winter athletes as well. It has been very exciting to see Uemura Aiko, Satoya Tae, and Murata Arisa in the Women’s Free Skiing event. Of course everyone wants to see them win, but even though it could not happen, there is something very unique and special about the Olympics.

There are 2887 Olympic athletes in Vancouver Canada competing in the games. Only 98 of those Olympic athletes are from Japan. Even so, the number of Japanese athletes who are very strong in their events grows each time we see the Olympics.

When we watch the Olympic games, however, there is something very magical we see in these athletes. We see something in their faces and in their bodies as they fight as hard as they can to win. Everyone at the Olympic games, all 2887 athletes want to win the gold medal. They all believe that they have a chance and they do everything they can to catch their goal. It is a beautiful thing to watch. It is a wonderful reminder to all of us about chasing our dreams and about working as hard as we can to catch our goals.

Everyone fights to win. The truth is that only a very few Olympic athletes can get a medal. Most of the athletes go home without any gold, silver or bronze medals. Maybe they feel like they lost. Maybe they feel like they are a failure.

From our view, however, we see something different. We see very special athletes who are the best in the world. They do incredible things with their minds and bodies that most people cannot. Through hard work and never quitting they are strong, powerful and special. They have in their hearts an Olympic spirit- beautiful, bright, and unique. They have something in their eyes that we need to see. We need to see that kind of passion so we can think about our own lives, our own work and study and how we can find our own kind of unbeatable spirit. We need to see the Olympic spirit to inspire us and to remind us how to fight in the challenges we have every day. I hope you will have a chance to watch the Winter Olympics and see the faces of champions. I hope they inspire you and encourage you in a special and unique way. Enjoy the Olympics!

February 10th 2010
Valentine’s Day : A Modern Tradition 

This week, on February 14th, we will have Valentine’s Day. Are you excited? Are you nervous? Are you planning to give chocolate to someone special? Are you hoping that you will receive chocolate from someone special?

In Japan, Valentine’s Day is the day when men receive chocolate from women. For men, this is great, but for women and girls it can be a challenge. Who should be given “giri-choco”? Who should I give the best chocolates to? If I give chocolate to someone I like, will he give ME something on White Day next month?

In Canada, and many other Western countries, Valentine’s Day is easy for women, and much more difficult for men. It is men who must give chocolates, and flowers, and make plans for romantic dates. It is men who must give, and women can just receive. My wife is very happy about this tradition, but I hope that she will give me some “giri-choco” anyway.

The history of Valentine’s Day, however, is not about giving or receiving chocolate, or flowers, or having romantic dinners. The roots of Valentine’s Day are actually not very clear, but history points to St. Valentine as the beginning of our holiday. The truth is that St. Valentine is not a single person, but rather, a group of men who were named Valentine. Each man named Valentine was a priest in the Catholic church, and all were murdered in some terrible ways.

One of these men named Valentine was a priest in ancient Rome who would help couples get married. This is where the idea of “love” and “Valentine” was put together. The image was made popular by a poet named Chaucer. That is how we have Valentine’s Day today, but it has become more complicated.

Today, people in many countries celebrate Valentine’s Day. In some countries in Europe, like Finland and Estonia, Valentine’s Day is not only for people in love, but also to celebrate friendship as well. In South Korea if a man did not get chocolate on February 14th or a woman did not get candy on White Day, March 14th, the custom is for that person to eat black noodles on April 14th and be unhappy about their lonely and single life.

The customs of love and giving chocolate are very interesting and strange, but I hope you do not worry about it too much. You are still very young and there are many many more chances ahead to receive chocolates, candy and flowers from someone special. Enjoy your Valentine’s Day!

February 3rd 2010
The Handshake 

Shaking hands is not a Japanese custom. When people in Japan greet each other, they bow. Maybe recently people are shaking hands more, but the handshake is not a Japanese tradition.

The handshake has a long history. I checked the computer and learned that people have been shaking hands for more than 4,000 years in Europe. These days, we see handshakes more and more in Japan, especially in sports. For me, I like to shake hands with people I meet. In my culture it shows friendliness and a spirit of cooperation and trust.

But shaking hands is not done all the time. There are times to shake hands and times to not shake hands. In my culture, people shake hands when they meet, when they say goodbye, when they say “Congratulations”, when we agree on something. The purpose of the handshake is to show balance, trust and equality. Sometimes, after a fight it is good to shake hands. Shaking hands can help bring peace.

There are some “rules” about hanshaking that I want to share with you. First, if you are a man, you should not wear a glove when you shake hands. Take your glove off, then shake hands. Second, you should make sure that your handshake is not too strong. It is bad manners to try to crush someone else’s hand. Third, you should make sure that your handshake is not too weak. If your hand feels like a dead fish you will seem too weak or like someone who cannot be trusted. Lastly, make sure that when you shake hands you don’t give only your fingers. A proper handshake needs a whole hand.

Handshaking is a tradition that can help make a good impression and can also help you make a human connection with someone else. I recommend that you practice your handshake with friends and family so that when you meet someone new you can easily make a new friend.
Thank you for listening to this speech. I hope that your classes go well this week.

January 27th 2010
The Last Leg 

In English we have an expression for marathon runners. It is called “the last leg”. The “last leg” means, “the last part of a journey or trip”. As many students have been busy with marathon training I thought that this expression might be something that makes sense to you.

In many journeys or trips we have different feelings. When we begin a journey we are usually very excited. We have lots of energy and we feel like we can do anything. Maybe you felt this way at the beginning of the school year. When you come to school on April 1st you might think, “OK, now THIS year I am going to do my best. THIS year I will give a 100% effort. THIS year I will do all my homework. THIS year I will listen to my teachers. I’ll be ready for class every time. I’ll be careful and I will have excellent scores on all my tests.”

So, how did you do? Did you get perfect scores on all your tests? Did you have your homework done correctly every time? Did you listen to your teacher EVERY class?

Probably not. Maybe this is understandable. Maybe, along the journey of this year you lost some energy. You lost some of your speed. You lost some of your ambition. Somewhere while you were working so hard this year you somehow lost your way. The middle part of the journey can feel endless, and it is very common to feel like you are not going to get to the end.

Now we are in the last leg of the journey for this school year. We can see the end. In a few weeks more examinations will come. March is only five weeks away. This is the last part of your marathon race in your studies. You can see the finish line. So, what are you going to do? Are you going to slow down? Are you going to stop? Are you going to give up?

I hope you will not do any of those things. The last few weeks are your last chance to make a strong finish to this year. You can speed up your pace. You can take a little more time each day to look at your homework. You can find the power in your mind to listen to your teachers in class a little more and push yourself to the finish line. This is the last leg. This is the last chance to push forward. All your teachers are here to coach you and encourage you to finish strong. Let’s focus on making this school year the one with the strongest finish yet! You can do it.

January 20th 2010
Bad Things Seem to Happen to Good People

In 1995, Japan experienced a terrible earthquake. I remember that day very clearly. It was early morning and I was in my bed in Kanazawa and I felt my house shake. It was like the house was lifted and then fell. It was surprising but I didn’t worry about it. I felt safe and I just went back to sleep. Later, when I went to work, I learned from my co-workers that a terrible earthquake happened in Kobe.

We watched the news during the morning and afternoon and saw that there was so much damage. We saw that so many people had died. Kobe was burning. The roads were destroyed. For many weeks after the earthquake the people of Kobe had to fight and struggle and find a way to start again from zero. Everything was gone. So many buildings and homes were destroyed. Somehow, Kobe survived and was reborn into a new beautiful city.

Recently, in the county of Haiti there was another terrible earthquake. Many many people were killed there too. The news reports of the situation are also so terrible. How will the people of Haiti re-build their country? How can the world help them in this terrible time? The problems are so big it seems impossible for ordinary people like us to help.

Terrible things seem to happen all over the world. Earthquakes destroy cities and countries. Tsunamis crush so many small villages and people are taken out to the sea. Fires burn so many forests. The ice in the North Pole is melting. It seems like the world is in big big trouble and that we will all suffer in the future.

No one can say why these terrible things happen. No one has the answer why earthquakes and disasters come. But while we are here on this earth we can still live and we can still do something. We can still be good to each other. Maybe we do not know why there are bad things that happen but we do know in our hearts and minds that we should help each other.

Maybe these disasters are like a kind of test for people. Maybe these terrible things happen so that we can understand something important about life and know that when we get to continue living we should realize that life is so important and that we need to do something important and meaningful with each other, to serve each other, and to grow and live with hope and purpose. Let’s remember what happened in Kobe 15 years ago and what is happening in Haiti today. Disaster is something that both countries have in common. Hope and rebuilding our lives is something more that both Haiti and Japan share.

December 16th 2009
Find Your Voice in English

As you are studying every day it can be very difficult to understand why you must study so hard. Your parents and your teachers give you a lot of advice but finding the motivation to work hard can be difficult.

One of the most important parts of doing any big job, like doing a big project, taking lessons in sports or music, or having an education is understanding why you are doing it. If you don’t know why you study so hard then it will be very difficult to do a good job, or continue working when you feel like you have no energy. Knowing why we study so hard can give us the strength to continue. Knowing why can help us get through the difficult times and help us push more and more.

The teachers of your other classes can tell you why you should study hard in Mathematics, Science, Japanese and Social Studies so I will talk to you only about why you should really work hard to master English.

The reason to master English is to open many doors for you in the future. To speak English well will help you communicate with many people around the world. If you can speak English you can have greater success in a career that has international connections. If you speak English well you can try many different kinds of jobs, travel, see the world and make many different kinds of friends.

If you learn to write English well you will be able to have even more chances for the future. Writing English well (and writing Japanese well too) will help you communicate through the Internet, in important documents, contracts, and give you more power in many different kinds of jobs. In most companies, schools and professional places writing well in English is extremely rare and a very valuable thing.

Growing your English to a level where you can express your ideas and thinking will give you a lot of understanding of the English speaking world. It will give you many opportunities to study and grow and to learn. It will also give you a greater understanding of your own thinking and your own mind. By developing your own “English voice” you will find a special and unique kind of expression in your own heart, and will open many doors for you: both in the outside world, and the world within your own unique personality and character. Good luck and keep pushing ahead!

November 18th 2009
Be Prepared        
The Boy Scout motto is “Be Prepared”. It means that whatever happens, you should have a plan to make sure that you are safe and that you can get through any difficulty you meet.

Being prepared for sports means that you do enough training, that your body is in good condition, that you have practiced your technique enough so that it feels natural and fast. Being prepared for a music performance means that you know the music you will play very well, that you will not make mistakes, and that you feel comfortable what you are doing.

In sports and music we all know what is needed to be prepared. How about the other things you do everyday? How about your other classes, like Japanese, Science, English, Math, or Social Studies? Are you prepared for those classes too, or do you feel like you are always behind?

Everyone knows that being a student is usually not very fun. Everyone knows that it is not fun to sit in a classroom all day and take so many classes. It is not fun to study. It is not fun to do homework. Everyone agrees about this. But, doing homework, going to class, being awake, taking notes, and listening carefully is the job that you have as a student. You need to be prepared.

Professionals in many sports will say that most of their success is in preparing for their game, match or competition. Olympic athletes prepare for years so that they can be in their best condition for their competition. Successful business people also know that being prepared for their work is the only way to make money and grow their companies.

One of the biggest challenges for students is learning how to manage their time. Many books about time management can be found in book stores and libraries. The most successful people know how to manage their time well. Of course you need time to play and to have fun and to go shopping and to spend time with your friends. But you also have much work to do. As your final examinations are coming soon, you will need to make some kind of plan for your time to study. Be prepared. Make a plan.
Good luck these next few weeks as your examinations come. If you can prepare well you can be confident in your work. It feels much better and you will feel a special kind of satisfaction in knowing that you did what was needed to the best of your ability. Talk with your teachers today about how you can best manage your time. This is a good time to develop strong habits that can help you for your whole life.

Take care and have a great day!

November 11th 2009
Boys Who Cry “Wolf” and Boys Who Fly in Balloons     

When I was a boy I was told a story called, “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”. It is a story that has a moral message in it. Although I did not always enjoy stories with moral lessons in them, this story is one that most students in Canada know. I will tell it to you now.

Once upon a time there was a boy who had to watch all the sheep in his village. Watching sheep is boring so he decided that he needed some excitement. He yelled in a loud voice, “WOLF! WOLF!” Everyone from the village came running to save the sheep, and to save the boy too. The boy laughed and laughed. It was kind of funny to see so many people so angry.

The people went home and were not happy to be tricked by the boy. Time passed. The boy got bored again. He wanted some more excitement so he yelled, “WOLF! WOLF!” All the people from the village came running again and the boy was laughing at them once more.

The villagers went home. Later the boy was still bored, but… a real wolf came out of the forest and started to eat the sheep. The boy was very afraid and yelled, “WOLF! WOLF!”, but the villagers did not come. They thought it was a joke and did not want to see the boy laugh at them again.

That’s the end of the story. I am not sure if the boy was eaten by the wolf or not. Some versions of the story have the wolf eat the boy. Some don’t do that. I am not sure why. Anyway, the moral of the story is easy to see: Don’t yell for help or attention when you don’t really need it. It makes people angry and it makes you look like a liar.

Recently in the news in America we had a similar case of a “boy who yelled WOLF!” Maybe you know about it. There was a family that wanted to be famous so they pretended that one of their sons was inside a big balloon that escaped. The news media went crazy of course, and the family tried to hide the truth. In the end everyone discovered that they were lying and instead of feeling sympathy for the boy Americans became very angry at the family for the trick and the lie.

Your parents and teachers will frequently tell you, “Don’t tell a lie.” It’s really quite excellent advice. Making stories that are not true will usually make trouble for you later. Sometimes it is difficult to tell the truth, but usually the truth is better and safer for you over a long period of time.

A wise man once told me that “If you never tell a lie you never have to remember anything.” I like that expression. It makes me feel free from having to worry about anything. It makes life freer and much more comfortable. I am sure you want to feel free and comfortable too.

Have a great day everyone. Be careful for stories about wolves and boys inside balloons.

November 4th 2009
Autumn: The Best Season                    

I spoke with my brother last week on the telephone. Snow is falling in my hometown. The temperature is now -15 degrees C. The gardens are frozen. The fruit trees are frozen. There is ice on the streets. Everyone must wear a jacket outside. Most people must wear hats, gloves, scarves and boots too. It’s surprising how short autumn is in Canada.

It is getting cooler here too, but the autumn in Kagawa is much more beautiful than the autumns of my hometown. You can see the hills changing color. You can enjoy a cool wind at night but the days are still warm. It is a perfect season. I am very glad to have autumn here with you.

Autumn brings a cooler season and it also brings some special feelings too. In autumn the heat of the summer is gone. There is a new energy, and a new feeling of being able to work longer too. For me, I discover that I am able to work much longer, study better, and get many more jobs finished. In summer I feel too hot. In winter I feel too cold. But in fall I feel great. Maybe you do too.

Autumn also marks the “half-way” point in the school year. 50 percent of this year is finished and the second half is ahead of you. Autumn is a great time to think about and “reflect” on how you are doing this year in your studies. Are you satisfied with your level of work? Are you satisfied with the results of your tests? If you are, that is wonderful. Keep doing what you are doing now through to spring. If you are not satisfied, take some time to consider what are the weak points in your studies and make a plan how to attack them. There is a lot of time for you to make the changes you need to still have a successful school year. Your teachers are your coaches and consultants. Talk with them about the best way for you to finish this year in success.

Autumn is a season to consider and to think about changes. We can see the trees change their colors from green to yellow and orange and red. Autumn is the season of exciting and interesting colors. Autumn is the season of delicious food and of enjoying the hard work of spring and summer. While it is very important for everyone to take time to think about how to develop and improve our work this year, it is also an important time to relax and to enjoy the wonderful gifts that autumn brings.

Enjoy your autumn everyone. It only comes once a year.

Thank you very much and have a great day.

 October 21st 2009
Body Language: Our Real Communication  

In recent years, there has been a lot of research about how people naturally communicate. A researcher named Albert Mehrabian was the first to look carefully at how we communicate through non-verbal communication. Mehrabian discovered that between 50% to 90% of all communication between people is non-verbal, or through body language.

What does it mean when you do not have eye contact?
What does it mean when you cross your arms?
What does it mean when you put your hands on your hips when talking?

How we move our bodies when we talk and communicate sends many messages to the other person. The research is very interesting.

For example, making eye contact can mean two things. On one hand it can mean that someone is very interested in communicating with the other person, but on the other hand, it could mean that you must watch very carefully because you cannot trust anyone. In this case, the meanings seem to be very different.

In another example, if someone crosses their arms on their chest it could mean that they do not agree with you. Other research suggests that crossed arms means that someone is only thinking deeply, or maybe they feel cold.

If someone does not believe you when you talk they may touch their ear, or scratch their chin. Their eyes will look away, or seem to lose their focus.

If someone is lying to you they may touch their face during conversation, or blink their eyes too much. But then again, more research suggests that not blinking may also mean that someone is lying.

There are so many things that we do with our bodies, eyes and faces, it is difficult to know exactly the true situation. But next time you talk with your friends and family watch them carefully, notice how they move, and try to see if their words and their body language seem to be the same. If you think they are different, you may be right. Studying how we communicate through body language can be a very valuable and powerful tool as you hope to learn and understand more about others.

October 14th 2009
No One Knows How Smart You Are        

Everyone here has heard of Albert Einstein. He is one of the most intelligent people who has ever lived. He understood science in a way that was incredible, exciting, and unbelievable. He was also a terrible student in his language studies. Although he was very good at science he was very bad at French. He failed his French tests and was not very good in all his non-science classes. To his French teachers, Albert Einstein was not intelligent and a bad student. To the rest of the world, however, Albert Einstein was a genius. Albert Einstein did not need French class to be a genius.

Everyone here also probably knows the name of Bill Gates. Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft and is one of the richest men in the world. Bill Gates went to Harvard University but never graduated. He quit school. At that time, the teachers in Harvard University probably thought that Bill Gates was a failure, and a terrible student. To the rest of the world, however, Bill Gates is extremely successful in business, the mastermind of Microsoft and how the Internet is used today, and now he is helping poor people all over the world with the money he made in the computer and software industry. Bill Gates did not need to finish university to be so successful.

Recently you received your test papers from your teachers. Maybe your results were not so good. Maybe you had some failures in your classes. Maybe at this time you feel like you are a failure, or that you will never have success. Of course you will need to try harder in the classes you are failing, but I also hope that you can understand that a failure today does not mean you will fail always.

Everyone fails, and people who have great success undersand that failure is very important for learning and for growing. People who invent new technology, new medicine, new fashions, new stories, new businesses, new althetic techniques, and new music and art know that you must fail many times before you can succeed. Failing is not always failure but is sometimes a step in learning, or a part of the process to get to success.

No one knows how many talents you have. You might know yourself best, but through a process of failure and trying something again and again and again, you can learn something very important too. This is part of becoming older, and learning, and growing. Failure is very important to grow. Quitting, however, is the end of learning. I hope that no matter how many times you fail, you never quit. Keep trying. Keep going. Keep failing. You might not be the next Albert Einstein or Bill Gates, but maybe you are… The only way to discover the truth is to continue following your passion, continue studying, and continue failing.

That’s all for now. Take care and have a great day.

 September 16th 2009
The Problem of Studying English          

Studying English in school is not easy. It is very difficult. English is very troublesome and has many strange rules. Maybe you have had many experiences when you are very angry trying to learn English. Maybe you hate to study English. I understand completely.

Most people need to study English from elementary school, through junior high school, through high school and also in university too. After so many years of studying English it seems that everyone should speak English perfectly. Everyone should be bilingual and have perfect speaking and writing and reading. But they don`t. Why not?

I have a few points I want to talk with you about learning English, and why it is really not easy to master at all.
1. Students need to study grammar in their English classes. The grammar and the reading textbooks are the first important step to master English. You NEED to have a strong understanding of grammar to get into university. Learning grammar, however, is not everything about English study. The other important part is learning about English style. Before you can study English style, you must first master enough grammar. It takes a long time. Because you are students, most of your time must be used to master your grammar and reading textbooks.
2. There is not enough opportunities to speak in English. Much of learning natural English is through speaking and communication. When there are not enough places to practice your English the speed of your learning is not as fast. Try to find a place to speak and practice your spoken English. This will give you confidence too!
3. Many students have a fear of mistakes. Making mistakes, however, is very important to learn English quickly. Being embarrassed about an English mistake can be a great way to remember how to use English properly. I hope that you will start to think about not being so shy in speaking, or afraid to make mistakes. Laughing together at our mistakes can be a great way to learn how to speak properly, clearly, and with excellent English grammar and style.

The last point I want to make today is that I have been an English teacher for many years, and I have met many English teachers. I have met English teachers in public schools, in private schools, in colleges, and in universities. From my eyes and ears, I think that the English department here at Otemae is MUCH better in teaching English than all the high schools I have seen before. Many of the English teachers also have a much deeper understanding of English style than most university English teachers I have met too. I hope that you understand this point. As you master English in the future I also hope that you can tell your friends and family that you started to master English here at Otemae.

Studying English has lots of problems and can make you feel a little crazy, but keep asking your English teachers here to help you. They are real English professionals. They have a deep knowledge and understanding of real English can they can guide you as you become more and more bilingual. Be patient and keep fighting! You can do it.
Thank you very much and have a great day.

September 9th 2009
Take a break from your screens         

Sometimes there are Too Many Screens

I like the Internet. I like TV. I like the movies. I like my cell phone.

I use the Internet every day. If I have time I like to watch TV or a good movie. I like to use my cell phone too. It is very convenient.

Maybe you are the same as me. I think that many students here at Otemae have cell phones, use the computer often at home, and like to relax watching TV. Nothing is wrong with that. It is completely normal and we are in a new world of information and technology.

Sometimes, however, it can feel like we have too many screens in our lives. We spend too many hours on the computer checking our email, browsing different sites, looking at the newest movies and TV shows. We can spend too much time writing messages on our cell phones. Sometimes we spend too much time looking at screens and not looking at the people and the world around us.

Over-using a cell phone for messages can be dangerous. Driving around Takamatsu I often seen people sending messages on their cell phones while driving. I can see people on bicycles riding on busy streets sending messages too. Of course it is natural to use your cell phone to contact your friends but it just is not very safe to do that and try to drive a car, or ride a bicycle at the same time.

Scientists and psychologists are finding that more and more people are addicted to their cell phones and to Internet games. Some people, who cannot control themselves can be lost in their computer screen, lost in their cell phone. Often these kinds of people cannot communicate naturally with other people, have a very difficult time making new friends, or meeting a girlfriend or boyfriend. That is really too bad, and I encourage you today to think about how much your are using your cell phone, how many hours a day you are looking at your computer, and how long you are watching TV.

Taking some time to relax with a computer, TV, DVD, or cell phone is perfectly natural. The main point I want to express to you today is to make sure that your use of your cell phone, and computer and TV, is balanced with your REAL life. TV is not real. Movies are not real. The Internet is not as real as your family and friends. Your cell phone is not a replacement for a face-to-face conversation. Sometimes you need to take a break from all the screens in your life and do some things differently.

Take care of yourself, keep balance in your daily life. Try to make some screen-free time so that you can see more of the world around you. There is so much to do, so don’t miss all the important things because you are too busy looking at your cell phone.

Thank you very much and have a good day.

 September 2nd 2009
Reading: The Best Way to Grow Your Mind     

Books. Magazines. Newspapers. Comics. Internet.

Maybe you have heard from your parents and teachers, “You should read more!”

This is true. They are correct. Reading is very important for your brain. Books and magazines and newspapers and the Internet have a lot of important information for you to learn. Reading expands your vision. Reading expands your thinking.

With the growth of the Internet, there is more and more to read now than ever before. When your parents and teachers were young, there was no Internet and people got their information from books, newspapers and magazines only.

A mind cannot grow without information and knowledge. You really need to read as many different things as you can. In many cases, there are many sides to the same story, many different ideas, many different opinions. It is your job to read and to discover which is right, which is true.

Inside books there is a huge treasure of information and knowledge for you to discover. There are great stories, there are wonderful and exciting adventures, there are songs and history, and there is a great source of imagination.

I recommend that you first begin reading only what you enjoy. Think about the things in life that interest you. If you are interested in sports, read more about sports. If you are interested in SF, read more about SF stories. If you are interested in drama, find stories and writing that is dramatic. Whatever you read, try to find writers who have interesting ways of expressing their ideas. Think about HOW they write. Think about HOW they express their thinking. Think about HOW it impresses you.

Inside of books we can discover the way in which people communicate. When we read stories and news reports and history we learn how other people think. We can learn more about what they want, how their minds work. There is much we can learn about other people through books.

Books can open our minds to different cultures, to different religions, to different nations, to different ways to understand our world. By reading more about how very different people think, we can understand more about our own country too. What that means is that when you study about other cultures and languages you are really learning more about what it means to be Japanese, and how Japanese culture and society works.

Books are food for your soul. Books are food for your mind. Read as much as you can. Read as widely as you can. The more that you can read, and the wider the selection of reading you choose, the more your mind will grow and the world will open up to you.

July 1st 2009

In a lot of sports it is very important to have good balance. If you play tennis or swim or enjoy surfing you need to have a good sense of balance. The best sports people in the world all seem to have an incredible ability to be balanced in their game.

When we eat a meal we are told by doctors that we need to have a balanced breakfast, a balanced lunch and a balanced dinner. I think they are telling us that we all need to have a balance of vegetables, fruit, meat, and food like rice or potatoes. If you don’t have a balanced diet your body can become too heavy, or too skinny. In Canada we can see a lot of people who have very unhealthy and unbalanced diets. They eat too much sugar, eat too many potatoes, too many fried foods, and drink too much soda.

If someone works too much and never takes time to rest, that can be very dangerous too. Too much time at work can give someone a lot of stress. Too much stress can cause heart trouble. Too much stress can give someone a lot of health problems.

Not doing any work, however, is also not balanced. We sometimes meet people who just don’t want to work or study anymore. They hang around. They expect mom and dad to support them forever. They seem to have no interest in life, no interest in other people, and no interest in growing as a person.

When you are in junior high school and high school you get a lot of pressure from your teachers and parents. This is a very usual thing. The people around you want you to have a lot of success. Because they want you to have success they push you. Sometimes they push you hard. It is very important, of course, for you to give your best effort in your school work. It is important for you to do your best on your sports teams and in your club activities.

But it is also very important for you to think about where you can make some balance. Sometimes you have to work super hard. Sometimes you need to take a break and play. Sometimes you have to study for many hours without stopping. And sometimes you need to put your books on your desk and go outside to enjoy a day of sunshine. As you are growing older it will be something for you to decide how to balance your life. It is not an easy thing but it is the work of adults. You are becoming an adult now so the better balance you can have in your everyday life, the happier and healthier you will be. Take care this summer to have some balance and have some fun too.

June 24th 2009
Terry Fox:The Greatest Canadian and Champion of Hope    

The best Canadian is not a writer or a politician or a teacher or an ice hockey player. The best Canadian was a young man named Terry Fox. Terry Fox was born on July 28, in 1958. He died young. He died at the age of 22.

Terry Fox had a very difficult time when he was young. In junior high and high school he loved sports. Terry Fox played soccer, rugby, baseball, and was a swimmer. He was not a big kid so he had to really fight hard. Many people knew Terry because of his great stamina and his strong passion for winning. When Terry Fox was 18 years old he had a terrible car accident and when the doctors checked his body they found that Terry had a rare kind of cancer in his knee. The doctors had to cut off Terry’s right leg.

Naturally, for any teenager to have their leg cut off, Terry was very unhappy about that. It is a terrible thing to happen to anyone. Terry decided in his heart that he would not let losing one leg stop him from fighting. He got a new metal leg, worked hard through physical therapy, and started jogging every day. Terry Fox contacted the Cancer Society and decided to do something unique. He decided to run across Canada to raise money to fight cancer. He would run across Canada, on one leg.

Terry Fox called his marathon “The Marathon of Hope”. Every day he ran. Canadians cheered for Terry and they gave money to fight cancer and to help cancer research. Sadly, however, the cancer that was in Terry’s leg had moved to his chest and soon after Terry Fox died.

In Canada we call Terry Fox a hero. He did not complete his marathon, but Terry taught Canadians all about keeping hope. Terry Fox taught Canadians that cancer is something that we must continually fight and find a way to cure. I call Terry Fox “The Greatest Canadian” because Terry Fox never stopped fighting against cancer and he never stopped having hope. His life was very short, but he was very wise about how to live. Even when he knew he would die, Terry Fox had hope. He still had passion to live and to never give up. I think this is something that everyone can learn from the example of Canada’s greatest hero.

Every year Canadians run in the annual “Marathon of Hope” to make money for cancer research. We all need hope in our lives, and when things look dark and hopeless we need to hold on until the light comes.

Thank you very much for letting me share with you a little about my hero, Terry Fox.

June 3th 2009
Everyone Has a Family   

Everyone comes from somewhere. Everyone has a mother and a father. We had parents. Maybe you are someone who lives with your mother and your father. Maybe you know only your mother, or only your father. Some kids never know their parents and grow up with other people.

There is a lot of research about families and what it means to be in a family. What is a family? Is a family a father, a mother, two children, and a couple of grandparents? Some people have that kind of family. But there are many people who have many different kinds of families.

Some families have many children. Recently, in America, a woman had eight babies at the same time. Unbelievable. Some families have one child. Some families have no children and everyone grows up to be an adult.

Whatever your family condition is, there are probably people around you who you think of as “close” to you. It could be your uncle or aunt. It could be a grandmother or grandfather. It could be a friend who is like your sister, or a friend who is like your brother.

When we are children we don’t get to choose who is a member of our family. That is true for a long long time. But, as we get older we meet special people in our lives. We make connections with good friends who are like family. These people are sometimes even better than family. When you get married your family will grow. In many cases you really can choose. So if you don’t like your family now, that is OK. Please be patient and make the changes you want later.

When I came to Otemae I was told that the school here is special, and that this school is like a family. I think that is wonderful. I am very glad to meet this family at Otemae and I feel very welcomed here.

Sometimes we argue with our family members. Sometimes we fight with them. We learn a lot from our families. Sometimes the lessons are good. Sometimes the lessons are hard. In most cases we grow as people and our families can help us become the men and women of the future.

May 27th 2009

In school and at home you are told many times to have a nice greeting. You should say “Good Morning” and “Good Afternoon” and “Good Evening”. Your teachers and your parents believe that good greetings is the same as good manners. Maybe that is true. When we meet someone for the first time we have only a few seconds to give a good impression. When we meet someone for the first time we usually decide very quickly if we like the person or we don’t like them.

If we meet someone who has bad manners and their greetings are weak we usually do not think that he or she is an interesting person. If we meet someone who has nice manners and who has natural greetings we usually think that person is more interesting. We decide if we like someone, or don’t like someone, in about 5 seconds. Your teachers and parents were correct. Greetings are important.

Greetings in Japan and greetings in Canada are very different. The style is different and the culture is different.

Many countries around the world have different greetings.

In Syria children will kiss the back of the hand of their parents or grandparent. Would you like to kiss your mother or father’s hands to say “Hello”?

In Niger the Kanouri people shake their fists and say “Woo-shay! Woo-shay!”

In Iceland the greeting word just means “Happy!”

In Swaziland, “hello” means “I see you!” In Georgia, “hello” means “You win!”

In Greece they slap your back. In Butan they say, “Is your body Ok?”, and in Mongolia they exchange pipes.

Many countries have different ways to have greetings. It is a wonderful thing. So when you travel the world, think about how people communicate, and how they give a first impression. Wherever you go, you need to do the same.
English may sometimes be the language of many countries, but gentleness is the language of all people everywhere.

May 13th 2009
Being a Friend

Being a friend is one of the most important jobs you have in life. You never know when you will find your friends. Some people find their friends in elementary school. Some people find their good friends in junior high school. Some people find their friends in high school.

Some people feel alone in their school life and can find friends in college or university. So, even if you feel like you don’t have friends in school I hope you understand that one day things change. The best times for you and friendship will come. Be patient and be strong for now.

Being a good friend is important. There are some rules for friendship. These rules will help you be a good friend. I hope that you can remember these important points.

Rule one: Be yourself.

You don’t have to try to be interesting. You are. You don’t have to try to be someone cool, or to speak in a way that you think is cool. Be natural. Be you. Be yourself.

Rule two: Be honest.

Don’t tell a lie. Always tell the truth to your friend. Sometimes the truth is difficult so think of ways to tell the truth kindly.

Rule three: Be loyal.

Always be on your friend’s side. Sometimes your friend makes a mistake. Sometimes your friend may do something foolish. Especially when your friend makes mistakes is the time for you to be their friend. Being a good friend is to be on their side.

Rule four: Don’t push.

Don’t try to make your friend talk if they don’t want to. Sometimes you only need to be nearby when your friend has trouble. Your friend will talk when they are ready. Don’t push. Just stay nearby.

Rule five: Be a good listener

Let your friend talk. Let them tell you what they are thinking and what they want to do. You don’t have to agree with them, but listening to what people say is a good way to get their trust. If you can be a good listener you can get trust and your friendship will become deeper.

Rule six: You must give something to get something.

With anything important in life you have to give so that you can get. You have to give respect so you can get respect. You have to give trust so that you can get trust. You have to give love so that you can get love. Be kind with other people and they will give you kindness. This does not always work, and some people only take. But giving to others is the best thing you can do for yourself, and to make your friendships strong.

Apr. 22nd, 2009

England, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, The United States of America, Canada.

These are the countries where you expect English to be taught. Almost everyone in these countries grows up speaking English, communicating in English, watching television in English, listening to music, watching movies, studying, and living in English. In these countries everyone sees English in their books, their newspapers, their Internet, their magazines. All jobs require English. All school classes require English. English is everywhere. These are the countries where English is usually the first, and often the ONLY language used.

South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, Sudan, Brazil, The Philippines, Pakistan, India, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, China.

These are countries where English is not the official language. English is not in the street like it is in America or England. English is not in all the newspapers or on local radio stations. But in these countries, like Pakistan, India, Brazil and China there is a huge boom of English study. These are the places where students, like you, are studying very hard to master English. These are the countries where the economy is about to go shooting up, and where future markets are growing and where English is the language used to communicate, to make agreements, to write contracts, and to make a lot of money. English is the language the Chinese use to talk to their business partners in India. English is the language used to make contracts between Pakistan and Brazil. English is the language of companies. English is the language of the global economy.

You may ask yourself, “What connection does that have for me?” You may say, “I am just a high school student in Japan. I don’t know what I want to do in the future. I don’t know what kind of job I am going to have. I don’t know why English is important for me at all. Anyway, I am never going to live in India. I am never going to live in Africa, the Philippines, Brazil. Pakistan, or Hong Kong. Actually, I don’t CARE what happens there. I am going to live here in Japan forever. I love Japan. I will never leave…”

Maybe that is true. Maybe you will never leave Japan. It is true that compared to many countries, Japan is a wonderful place to live in. The culture is interesting. Japanese food is great. The country is peaceful and the people usually kind and gentle.

But… what you don’t know is that many big companies, even smaller companies DO have connections to China, The Philippines, India, and many other countries. Those companies here in Japan need to have young and smart and bilingual staff to work for them. Those companies need people who can write email in English, answer the phone in English, write contracts in English, talk and negotiate and fight and argue and plan in English.

Before coming here to Otemae, I lived in Kanazawa , Ishikawa-ken for 12 years. I worked as a university teacher at a big engineering university. I also did a lot of private teaching and advising for several companies. I did a lot of staff training for people at Hitachi, Sony, Ishikawa Seisakusho, Nikkiso (a medical machine company) and many private salary-men who needed help with documents for their companies. For many of my friends in those companies the only way for them to go up (promotion) in the company was to learn English. They needed a good TOEIC score. They needed to be able to communicate and talk with other companies in China and India. If they were good at English they could get a good job here in Japan in their company. If they could not master English they could never have success. They would never get a bigger salary. They could never drive the car they wanted. They could never have vacations that they wanted. English gave them power.

Maybe you don’t want to be a business person in the future. Maybe you don’t want to work for a big company. Of course that is fine. What is important is that you choose a way to live, a future job or career that makes you excited and to work hard for that with all your strength. What you may not know, however, is that there is a very big chance that English will have some connection with your future. If you want to be GREAT at your future job you will need to find a way to master English. If you are bilingual you will have a big advantage over other people you are working with.

English opens doors. English gives opportunities. English is what can make you richer. English is what can make you more successful. English can give you more information. English can give you knowledge. English can give you more freedom in your future.

Otemae is a great school to be a student in. This school is very unique in that it has a clear understanding why English is so important for the future of students. The English department has excellent teachers who have a very strong wish to see you succeed in your future. They work very hard to get the English that you need to pass university entrance examinations, to have success in Eiken tests, and to also learn the English of every day conversation. I have seen a lot of junior high schools and high schools and I have never seen a school with the program and staff of Otemae. Maybe you don’t know it, but I think that you are very lucky to be here.

So what is next? Now that you know that English is VERY important for your future what are you going to do about it?

I have a few suggestions, so I hope that you remember this part of my short speech:

1. Time is very limited, so please don’t waste your time..
2. Don’t worry if your English score now is not good now. The job you have is to make your English score better. If your score is only 50%, work to make your score 60%. If your score is very low talk to your teacher. They want to help you so don’t be shy. Everyone has a weak point. If your weak point is English that is OK.
3. Get a notebook to write new English vocabulary. Keep adding to your notebook. Review the vocabulary often. Try to make short simple sentences. Ask your teachers to look at your sentences to make sure they are OK.
4. If you don’t understand, please say, “I don’t understand”. Ask you teachers to repeat repeat and repeat some more if you need it. Don’t worry about not understanding quickly. There is no shame in not understanding. Keep asking for help until everything is clear.
5. Find something interesting connected to English. If you like music find a singer or band that you like. Listen to their CDs often. If you like the movies find a DVD that you think is interesting and watch it often. You can often buy the book with the movie dialog in it. Follow it carefully and review it often. Ask your teachers about the parts you don’t understand.

Mastering a foreign language takes many years. It will not happen quickly. English study is long and painful. It is not fun. Many people say that “English study is difficult”. That is not true. English is not difficult. English study takes time. English study takes a LOT of time. If you put in the time, and if you can follow a good program of study, (and Otemae has excellent teachers to help you), you will learn more English. If you can trust the teachers here to work with you, it is possible that your ability to speak and understand English will go up. You will become more bilingual. You will have more confidence in speaking and using English.

The bad news for you is that learning English is a long long process. It is not often enjoyable and it is often not entertaining. The good news is that you are young and have the time to develop and learn English. You can do it. You can learn this crazy English language and you can learn to express your thinking like a native. You can be bilingual. I hope that you will decide today that becoming bilingual is something that you want for your life, even if you don’t know HOW English will help you in the future.

English can be a powerful tool for you in so many ways. It opens doors and makes your world much wider. This is the beginning of this school year so I hope that you will make a decision in your heart to make your life bilingual.

Thank you very much.

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