マーク先生の朝礼スピーチSPEECH 一覧へ English Speech 2024.3.6 Benefits and Demerits of Diver… Diversity means having different people with various backgro…もっと見る English Speech 2024.2.21 Celebrating February Through F… February is a special month filled with happiness and excite…もっと見る English Speech 2024.2.14 The Magic of Reading Reading is like a magical door that opens up whole new world…もっと見る English Speech 2024.2.7 Why Does the West Love Japan? Did you know that Japan is very popular all over the world? …もっと見る English Speech 2024.1.31 Easy Ways to Focus Better: Sim… Concentration helps us stay focused and get things done. Som…もっと見る English Speech 2024.1.24 See The World This week the third grade students in Junior High went on a …もっと見る 12345...1020...>