The Nobel Prize in Medicine winner for 2018 is Dr. Tasuku Honjo and Dr. James Allison for cancer research.
This is a wonderful thing for Japan, of course. It is great when someone from your country wins the Nobel Prize. But what is more important is that Dr. Tasuku Honjo is part of a research that will save millions and millions and millions of human lives.
The research that Dr. Honjo has done is to learn how to help the body fight cancer.
Cancer is the number one killer of humans in countries like Japan, Canada, and many European countries. Dr. Honjo has learned techniques that can make the body fight cancer and make cancer disappear. It is very exciting news, but what is more exciting is that he has saved millions and millions of lives in the future.
I hope that he will be seen as a national hero one day. This is very exciting and a great gift for the world.
I liked Dr. Honjo’s speech on television. He is a real gentleman and a great example for us today.
Dr. Honjo is a good example for us about how hard work can make a big change.
When we are students it is very difficult to understand the question, “Why is my study important?” The reason is that we do not know the reason…. yet. When Dr. Honjo was younger he probably did not know how important his research will be, but he studied hard anyway. He did not know that one day he would save millions and millions of human lives, but he worked hard anyway.
We do not know what will happen in the future. We do not know if good things come, or bad things come. But we do know that good things do not happen so often by accident. Good things can happen more often with good hard and long work and study.
If you study hard here at Otemae will you one day save millions of human lives? I don’t know, and you don’t know. But we know that if you study hard, and work hard, maybe you can do something good for other people in the future.
Maybe you will be an artist that will heal other people through music. Maybe you will be a great sports person and support other sports people. Maybe you will be a great computer programmer, or an artist, or a lawyer, or a business person, or a local shop owner. Maybe you will be good at your job and be a good helper for another person.
The good that comes from these cases all have the same root. The root is hard work and hard study.
Thank you to Dr. Honjo and Dr. Allison. Our world is better because of you. The future is better because of you. Now, you and I must try our best to make our world better. What can I do? What can you do? What can we do together?