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English SpeechEnglish Speech

Who is a Great Person?

A great person is someone who makes the world a better place. It is not about having lots of money, being famous, or having power. Greatness comes from how a person treats others and how they act. There are many qualities that can make a person great, so let’s talk about some of the most important ones here.
Kindness is one of the most important qualities that makes a person great. A kind person thinks about others and helps them whenever possible. They smile at people, listen to them, and offer help when needed. Being kind is about caring for others, even when it’s not easy. Great people are kind because they want to make the world a better place.
Being honest is another important quality of a great person. Honesty means telling the truth and not lying. When a person is honest, others can trust them. Trust is very important in life, and it is hard to build. If a person is always lying, no one will believe them, even when they are telling the truth. Great people are honest because they know that being truthful makes relationships stronger and the world more fair.
Great people work hard to achieve their goals. They do not give up easily, even when things get tough. Hard work means trying your best, even when the task is difficult. Great people understand that nothing worth having comes easily. They stay focused and keep going, even when they fail. Hard work also shows others that you are serious and dependable.
A great person respects everyone, no matter who they are. Respect means treating people as equals and not looking down on anyone. It also means listening to other people's opinions and being polite. Great people understand that everyone is different, and they accept these differences. They do not judge people based on their background, race, or beliefs. Respect is very important because it helps people live together in peace and harmony.
Compassion is the ability to feel the pain of others and want to help them. A compassionate person is someone who is sensitive to the troubles of others and tries to do something about it. Great people do not just think about themselves; they think about others who might have difficult times.
Forgiving others is also an important quality of a great person. People make mistakes, and sometimes they hurt us. Holding a grudge or staying angry forever only makes life harder. Great people know that it’s important to forgive and move on. Forgiveness brings peace, both to the person forgiving and the one being forgiven. It helps heal relationships and prevents anger from taking over.
Humility means not thinking that you are better than others. Great people are humble. Even if they are successful. They recognize that they are not perfect and that everyone has strengths and weaknesses. A humble person understands that greatness is not about personal pride but about lifting others up.
Great people are patient. They do not rush to get what they want, and they do not get angry when things do not go their way. They wait calmly and know that good things take time. Patience is important because life does not always go as planned. People face challenges and delays, but patience helps them keep going without giving up.
A great person has a positive attitude. They look for the good in every situation, even when things are tough. They believe that things will get better and encourage others to stay hopeful as well. A positive attitude helps a person stay strong in difficult times and also makes them more enjoyable to be near.
Courage is the ability to face fear and scary things without giving up. Great people are brave, not because they are never afraid, but because they act even when they are afraid. They fight for what is right, even when it is hard. Courage helps people stop their fears and achieve their dreams.
A great person is someone who is kind, honest, hardworking, respectful, compassionate, forgiving, humble, patient, positive, and courageous. These qualities help make the world a better place and bring happiness to others.
Sometimes I think about my own character and I see that sometimes I am not kind, not honest, lazy, have bad manners, become angry easily, become negative, and feel afraid. But I would like to also think that every day I am getting better, and that people around me are getting better, and that we are all understanding more and more that we are connected to each other as humans trying to improve. I’m grateful for people around me every day who help me become better, so maybe I need to do more to help other people too.
It is always interesting to study and learn more about great people in history. They can teach us how we should grow and how we should connect to each other in the world.