2020/09/30 中間考査2日目


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2020/09/17 中庭コンサート


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2020/09/23  放送朝礼 モーニングスピーチ


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マーク先生から”Top 12 Important Things in Life”というタイトルで講話がありました。
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Top 12 Important Things in Life

What is a happy life? What are some important things in your life?

There are many things that are important for life. But what are the things that are the MOST important? What things do you think are important to have a happy life for you? It is a big question, and I have done some research on this question. Of course there are a lot of different answers we can find, but these are the top 12 things that psychologists and Internet experts tell us that are the most important things to have a happy life.

I will give you the top 12 items that experts say are important for your happiness.

Starting from number 12.

12. Sleep. If you do not have enough sleep you will be unhappy. You will have no energy. You cannot do all the important things you must do for your daily life. Sleep is important, but do NOT sleep in your classes here at Otemae. Sleeping in your class, especially English class is not good.

11. Food. If you do not eat food, you will die. Food is important for your life. Please eat food. But do not eat junk food. You need to eat rice, and fish, and vegetables. Please have a healthy and balanced breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Sometimes ice cream is okay too.

10. Water. If you do not drink water, you will die. Water is necessary for fish, and it is necessary for humans too. The human body is over 60% of water, so please drink lots and lots of water.

9. Time. You need to manage your time. Time is very important. If you don’t have time, you don’t have anything. But you need time to do fun things, and you need time to do your homework. You need time for friends, and time to rest. You need time to dream and to make a plan for the future. Time is important.

8. Education. You need an education. If you do not have an education you cannot get a good job in the future. Of course Japan needs people to work at convenience stores, gas stands, and factories, but you are here at Otemae. So, your education is going to help you have a great job and wonderful career in the future. Please study hard, and please have a great success in your life.

7. Wellness. Wellness is the idea of a good balance for body and mind. You must take care of your body, and you must take care of your mind. If you have feelings that are mixed up, you need some time to organize your mind and to be safe and healthy in your life. Wellness is balance for living.

6. Passion. Passion is the fire in your heart. Passion is the feeling in your mind and body that you want to live fully every day. You need passion to fight, and to study, and to be successful. Any person who is successful in their life has a deep passion in their heart. Passion is important.

5. Purpose. Purpose is the answer to the question, “Why do you live?” Of course when you are a student it is difficult to know what you want to do for your whole life, but purpose for each day is important. Purpose can be something like to be a good friend, to try new things, to do your job each day, and to learn as best as you can. Purpose for each day, and purpose for the future too.

4. Love. Ah yes, love. And there are many kind of love we can experience in life. There is love in family, and for friends, and for partners. There is also love for animals and living things. There is love of learning and for dreams. And there is love in art, and music, and in many things that are new and mysterious. Love is important, and love can be very confusing too…

3. Friends. Life is very important but making good friends is important too. If you have friends today you are lucky. Enjoy your fiends and take care of them. If you do not have many friends now, do not worry too much. Friends come to our lives at different times. A good friend sometimes is as important as family, and sometimes even better.

2. Family. You can’t choose your family but they are important for your life. If you have a good connection with your parents that is great. If it is difficult, do not worry too much. One day you will grow older, find a partner, and make your own family. Family has many shapes and many different members. But family is important for a happy life.

1. And the number one item is Health. Health is the most important for a good life. Good health is the number one thing to make you happy. If you are healthy, you are lucky. Protect your health with good food, good sleep, good friends, good balance, good friends, and good art and music too. Take care of your body and your mind. You need them.

So, those are the top 12 things you need for a happy and healthy life. These things are important, but you are important too. Remember to take care of yourself, and be kind to other people. If you can do those two things life will be better, and full of passion and purpose too.

2020/09/16 全校朝礼・Morning Speech・防災避難訓練



Morning Speech
マーク先生から「National Heroes Day」というタイトルでスピーチがありました。

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National Heroes Day

Maybe you know the names of some superheroes. There are a lot of movies today for different kinds of heroes. Maybe you know Batman or Superman, Spiderman or Captain America. These are superheroes who have special powers. They can fly. They can fight. They can save the earth. They are cool. They are fast. They save the day and give us inspiration.

But today is Heroes Day. It is not a day to celebrate Superman or the Avengers. It is not a day to talk about Batman or Spiderman. This is a day for twenty-five countries around the world who choose one day to celebrate people who are real heroes, the kind of heroes that change life in a good way.

Many of the countries that celebrate Heroes Day, like South Africa, Rwanda, Zambia, and Malaysia remember people who died in war. Other countries like Jamaica, Indonesia, and Romania celebrate the heroes who helped the country to become free.

In Japan you have heroes throughout your history to study. Sakamoto Ryoma and Sugihara Chiune are heroes we learn about in history. In old stories, like the Heike Monogatari we find examples of people who were heroes too, like Jomyou Meishu, or characters like Benkei and Yoshitsune.

But we find a lot of heroes in different places too. In Russia, in 1976, also on September 16, a swimmer named Shavarsh Karapetyan, was jogging with his brother. They saw a bus fall into the river, and the river was very deep. Shavarsh jumped into the water and found the bus 10 meters below. He kicked out the glass of the back door and started to save people. Many died, but he saved over 20 people. He was badly injured and stayed in the hospital for 45 days. Seven years later he was walking and he saw a building on fire. He ran into the building and saved more people. At that time he had many bad burns on his arms and had to be in the hospital again. In Russia, and Armenia he is a national hero.

In Canada we have a few heroes as well. My favorite is a young man named Terry Fox. Terry had cancer and one of his legs was cut off because of the terrible cancer. Terry Fox was a marathon runner so he got an artificial leg and started to run across Canada to support cancer research. Terry collected a lot of money and he ran very far. He did not finish the marathon across Canada because the cancer became very bad and he died when he was only 22 years old. In Canada Terry Fox is our national hero.

When we think of someone who is a hero we often think of someone who is a very big, or very important person. But we also know heroes in our everyday life too. A hero is someone who is kind and who helps others. A hero is someone who gives to others and supports others. A hero is someone who thinks about other people first and fights for justice and works hard to do the right thing.

Heroes are in all kinds of jobs, and are in all places around the world. Sometimes when there is a big problem, like a typhoon or an earthquake, we must act quickly to be safe, and also if possible, to help other people too. It is very possible that someone you know may become a hero, or you may be a hero yourself. Anything can happen in the future.

Sometimes to be a hero means to do something small for another person. It can be something like to be kind to someone who needs kindness. It can be something like to be gentle when the other person is angry. It can be helping a friend who has trouble in study. It can be something like doing something positive in your neighborhood or helping someone near your house. It can be something like helping animals that are in danger.

These are all things that heroes can do.

Thank you very much and have a great National Heroes Day.

2020/09/15 学力推移調査








2020/09/14 サッカー部 試合結果


【四国プリンスリーグ】対香川西高等学校  1-4  得点者 冨家

S__413294608 S__413294598

【県1部リーグ】対観音寺第一高等学校 3-3 得点者 入戸野 森広 オウンゴール
S__413294606 S__413294605

【県3部リーグ】対飯山高等学校 6-0 得点者 中西×3 森 佐藤 岡林
S__413294609 S__413294601

2020/09/09 スペシャル3イヤーイベント


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